Friday, March 27, 2009

Still persevering...

Well my cold is coming around to full force now and L was pretty much the same today. Less explosive but still major tummy problems, not eating much and not drinking much, fever and diaper rash but lessened. Pretty sure hes got a virus, with the original chest rash and the fever and everything. Praying its a 48 hour bug and that tomorrow we are done with this.

Meanwhile I decided to keep taking my antibiotic even though the doc said I could stop it. I don't think it will hurt the baby (they wouldn't have given it to me in the first place) and if there is something in my system its worth trying to knock it out. I always have weird urinary stuff that is never properly diagnosed.

So they last two days have felt like four and I lost the first two days of this week in the hospital. My sense of time is completely out of whack. Thankfully I don't have to go anywhere or do anything all weekend, so now its time to catch up.

They are looking into hospice care for my dad which is kinda scary for me. I know what that means - both my grandparents died at hospice. But its hospice home care so there's still possibly lots of grandpa had hospice home care for like 2 years after his cancer diagnosis. They were able to put a trach in for Dad to talk and they were putting his stomach feeding tube in this morning. There just aren't alot of good options for rehab/nursing facilities in the area. Pray for my step mom. I know she is overwhelmed and discouraged by everything. Its so much to deal with on her own. My sister & her husband from Utah are on their way out here to help for 10 days, so that will be a relief. I hope to be able to go down while they are here but right now everything is one day at a time.

This evening DH and I almost lost it with each other. All the stress, we nearly got into it big time over nothing. Thankfully we stopped it and just talked about the verse I'm clinging to right now (James 1:2-4 above) and that got us back to God. We took some time this evening to focus on each other and that was really good.

Thank you again for all your prayers - its awesome to know that you are out there praying for us. I know its helping us stay grounded in God and His Word.

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