Hate is a word that is not often allowed in our house. It’s a strong word. It causes pain. It’s not something that should be used lightly. But I’m going to use it because I’m going to be real about something here.
I hate how I feel. I hate that I have to take little yellow pills so I don’t feel this way. How do I feel? Frustrated, angry, mad, scared. And then, sad, remorseful, guilty, devastated. I hate that I can see myself behaving in ways I don’t want to and yet I can't stop myself. I hate that I know what is real and yet believe and act upon what is false. I hate that I have a disease in my mind that causes me to forget I have it. It makes me think I’m ok and I don’t need those little yellow pills. It makes me think those little yellow pills are hurting me and I’d be better off without them. And then, I see the untreated me. And I hate me. It’s easy to see why suicide is attempted and succeeded by so many who suffer from diseases of the brain. I’m not going to say “mental illness” because I think we’ve gotten too comfortable with that term. The fact of the matter is that my brain is sick and if it doesn’t get medication, its illness affects every other aspect of my life. This disease of anxiety and depression hurts my loved ones the most. I have never physically abused my children, but one can see they are fully aware when mommy is not well. One wrong word or deed and mean mommy comes out. I hate mean mommy. I feel like Gollum in “Lord of the Rings”…I want mean mommy to “leave and never come back.” But just like Gollum, I’m sick. I’m controlled by something outside of my control. Its so hard to explain and so hard to understand. I can see why years ago they just locked people like me up in a padded room. What we do doesn’t make sense to a healthy mind.
I pray and I ask God to take this illness away. I ask for healing and to be controlled by the Holy Spirit alone. God says no. I understand. But I still hate it. I hate that I get nervous even putting this on paper for fear someone might take my my rights away because I’m sick.
My sick mind recently convinced myself that those little yellow pills were hurting me again. I listened. “But this time will be different” I thought. I’ll carefully wean. Over two months of weaning and I was down to half dose. I was NOT ok. I was an emotional basket case. I was all over the map; one minute extremely angry and the next minute crying. I started getting short of breath today as I called the doctor and said “this isn’t working”. Anxiety attack…wow it’s been a while since we’ve spent time together. I hate you. Please go away.
I pop the right amount of the little yellow pills and nearly cry that I can’t do it. I can’t live without them. “Do I have to pop them my whole life?” I wonder. “I hate taking them.” But then I think…why do I hate the pills that make me able to live free and not in a padded room? Why do I hate the gift I’ve been given of healing through medication? If I have a headache I take a Tylenol and I feel better. Do I hate the Tylenol…no! In fact I’m so grateful to the friend who had them in her purse that day. So why do I hate the little yellow pill? We all know why. Because even though they don’t put me in a padded room anymore, the stigma is still there; the judgment, the looks, the whispers, the questions. Why can’t you just be happy? Why can’t you just control yourself? Why do you cry all the time? Doesn’t knowing Jesus fix everything?
Well no, but knowing Jesus helps. Its helps me to know that he will protect me and my family from the evil in this world including the evil inside of my brain. It helps me to know that there is nothing I did or didn’t do that caused me to suffer with this thorn in my flesh. Its helps me to know that He has a plan and this suffering is part of it. It helps me to know that sin is what caused sickness in this world, not God’s lack of love. But most of all it helps me to know how much I truly need him. Kind of like the medication. I can’t do what I want to do with out those little yellow pills. I can’t be the wife and mom I want to be. I can’t keep a clean house. I can’t homeschool my children. I can’t run a business. Some days I can’t even get out of bed in the morning. I can try as hard as I might but without those little yellow pills I just keep doing everything I don’t want to do.
Knowing Jesus reminds me that I can’t do it without him. Without him, I just do what I don’t want to do. Even when I know what’s right, I still do what’s wrong.
If you don’t need a little yellow (or blue or purple) pill, count yourself blessed. But with or without that little yellow pill I know I still need Jesus. Maybe I’m just that thick that I need a daily reminder to take my Jesus pill every day. That without it, I’m going to screw this life up big time. But with Him I can do all things.
Today I’m praying for love. I’m praying that I no longer hate this disease and hate these little yellow pills. I’m praying that I can embrace God’s plan for me that includes anxiety and depression. I praying that what I type will make a difference to someone, somewhere. I pray that I can be ok with my need for little yellow pills. That maybe I can even love this part of my journey. I love God. And I trust Him. I guess that’s all that really matters.
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