For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. (1 Corinthians 13:12 ESV)
The writer of the devo linked below states: "It is every bit that simple, and it is absolutely complex. It is so plain a little child can see it, can reach out her hands and take hold of it just as clearly and tangibly as she takes hold of a favorite toy. And it is so mysterious and abstract that the most educated theologians will always have more to learn.
Don’t misunderstand. The mystery of the Gospel does nothing to negate its truth."
As I dig deeper in knowledge of the Gospel, I find even more mysteries. It's easy to start to question "how can it be?"
As I was writing this at 2 in the morning (don't ask), I was interrupted by my almost 6 year old who's nightly ritual is to wake me for a bathroom trip and snuggling back to sleep. It's not always my favorite, especially if I'm in that lovely deep REM sleep. But as I lay there facing him, he settled in, rested his hand on mine and began breathing heavily and evenly. I smiled and thought about how cute and sweet he was and how much I loved him. Then I realized the picture this gives of God's love for me. I'm not always lovable. I'm frustrating. I'm habitual (and not in a good way). But God smiles on me because of His son. My love for my son is not a perfect love. But it's an earthly glimpse, a dim reflection of the love the Father has for us. And I need to remember it.
Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand. (1 Corinthians 15:1-4 ESV)
I ask "how can it be?" But the more I read and the more God grants understanding, the more I see it is only because of HIM and His great love that it CAN be. I have to be reminded of this daily, sometimes hourly. Paul knew this. He, himself, battled with the flesh. He knew how much we need to hear the Gospel. He spent his ministry preaching it, not just to unbelievers. He wrote all those epistles reminding the believers of the TRUE Gospel, because we so often get it twisted. We need God's Word, and the Holy Spirit, and EACH OTHER to remind us of this Gospel. Join me on this journey of remembrance. Click the link below to read the scriptures and devotional for day 1.
This Is The Gospel, Day 1 #SheReadsTruth
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