Friday, February 27, 2009

God's Eyes

I have really been convicted lately to see people with God's eyes. You hear this terminology around the Christian community so often but how often do we really do it? Its amazing the difference in my relationship with others when I stop judging and let God be the judge. When I start seeing them as His lost sheep and loving them with His love, something amazing happens. Its got to be supernatural because I know I am not capable of looking beyond the sinner, but I know God is. He is changing something in me and its really amazing. Its so awesome when my first thought about a person or situation is surprising to me. A friend told me of a struggling person she knew and how disappointing it was to watch this person live in sin. My first thought wasn't "how could they be so stupid", it was "love them". I know that didn't come from me. I hope that I continue to walk close enough with God that His thoughts become my thoughts.

John 3:30
30He must become greater; I must become less.


  1. I've been convicted of the same and it's great when I have to explain to others my new reaction. It gives a chance to share the love of Jesus with them! May we all continue to make Him greater and ourselves less just as His Word says.
