God has been wanting me in the morning for years and I have been rejecting Him. He spoke to me almost two weeks ago and told me simply that I needed to obey. I asked him how could I when I'm so tired all the time. He said obedience first, then blessing. He spoke again and gave me a specific time to get up and spend time with Him.
Every time I have tried to get up early (meaning 6 or earlier) since having children I have failed. I keep up with it for a few days and then I have some excuse, I went to bed late, I was up in the night, I'm sick, blah blah.
For me its about being disciplined and putting God and my family first. Not only does God want me up and spending time with him. But DH wants me up and ready for the day before the kids come bounding down at 7. I am a much nicer, happier mama and wife when I have had some time awake and time with the Lord before the activity of the day begins.
God gave me this scripture the week before I finally obeyed:
Psalm 63:6-8
6 On my bed I remember you;
I think of you through the watches of the night.
7 Because you are my help,
I sing in the shadow of your wings.
8 I cling to you;
your right hand upholds me.
He would help me if I clung to him. I can think of him all night and desire that time with him in the morning.
Also convicting was when my husband pointed out how when a friend or something fun was depending on me to get up early I could do it easily, but when he and God were depending on me I chose to disappoint them. It all boiled down to just plain selfishness. It really didn't matter if I wasn't a morning person. I needed to change and all it took was obedience and God would do the rest.
I set my alarm for 5:30. Of course I spent so much time disobeying and procrastinating that the day I started was the day we lost an hour due to daylight savings here on the east coast of the US. So I really was getting up at 4:30! God does have a sense of humor. I put my phone (alarm) across the room and had to get out of bed to shut it off.
I started reading a proverb a day (corresponding with the day of the month). Its amazing how many talk about how the fool loves sleep and is lazy etc. I do love sleep and I was so convicted. Well its been almost two weeks. I have not slept in once. I have napped once because I did go to bed too late and am coming down with something. God has sustained me and the last few days I have woke up 10-15 mins before my alarm with praise songs in my head. It is such a blessing to know that even as I sleep and dream God is on my mind. My days have been better. My attitude has been positive. My prayer life has improved.
Now I start by writing in my prayer journal, then read my proverb, then maybe write some more or read a bible study book I am doing or continue my very slow read through the bible. Every morning is a bit different but it is a huge blessing. Now I look forward to that special time with my Savior. Its something that I definitely would not give up for anyone, even my previous love, sleep.
that's great Liz! i have been trying to do this as well.
ReplyDeletei have not been successful either.
you are an inspiration that it can be done with reliance on God for help!